Carlos Peralta-Cáceres (Colombia)

Carlos Peralta has a B.A. in Economics from Los Andes University in Colombia. In 2006 he completed a graduate program in Media and Communication at the University of Amsterdam and in 2011 he was invited by the Amsterdam-based Binger Filmlab to be part of its 6-month Program for Producers and Writers. Carlos gained experience in screenplay scouting and assessment at Dynamo, one of Colombia’s top production companies focused on financing and production of film projects. In 2014 he developed and co-wrote Sabogal, a 13-episode animated TV series for adults, broadcast on Colombian TV in 2015. Carlos is the founder and managing director of Punto de Ataque, a Colombian company entirely focused on screenplay development that provides services to film support entities and production companies in Spain, Brazil, Chile and Costa Rica.

Angosta — Three citizens fight for justice, dignity and love in a bizarre, cruel city called Angosta… located somewhere in Latin America, suspended somewhere between a strange past and an impossible future.